Awareness and pathways
For many careers it is possible to map a typical pathway, along with appropriate qualifications and entry level jobs. With tech, and other careers however, it is less clear and unfamiliar terminology can be confusing.
Therefore, to help those wanting a tech career, DSO defined roles, skills and pathways, working with industry and TAFEs. The career information is shared via a dynamic visual that mimics a metro map, encouraging students and career transitioners to explore their options in an engaging way.
The innovative resource, co-created with SkillSchema, was tested with students. There was an immediate connection with the dynamic metro map and tech jobs as stations. All were intrigued as to how to navigate the lines and access the job role information.

“Students and career counsellors find tools like this valuable. There’s a good opportunity to broaden this tool to include jobs that aren’t specialist tech roles, but still require an element of tech and digital skills.”
Mark Samaha
Director of Customer and Stakeholder Relations
TAFE NSW Western Sydney Region
“Early findings from the research suggests the pathways model has clear potential in bridging the gap between industry and education and training; building awareness of digital jobs and pathways that young people currently do not discover until after they enter the workforce.”
Madelyn Sands
Research Specialist, YouthInsight (Student Edge)